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  • 日期:2020年06月08日 10:11
  • 编辑:褚阳阳
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国际园艺研究大会旨在展示园艺领域的最新成果和研究进展,促进国内外专家的交流与合作,第七届国际园艺研究大会将于202071-730日在线上举行,本次会议由西北农林科技大学和william威廉亚洲官方Horticulture Research杂志主办,西北农林科技大学WilliamHill官方网址和旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室承办,大会主席由西北农林科技大学马锋旺教授和Horticulture Research期刊主编程宗明教授共同担任。

  1. 会议时间


  1. 会议注册




  1. 会议主题


  1. 海报奖

一等奖 2000 RMB *1

二等奖 1000 RMB *2

三等奖 500 RMB *3



  1. 参会证明



  1. July 1-3 General   biology session

    Horticultural Crop   Research: 10 Years Ahead

    Xiaohan Yang

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, USA

    Biosystems design:   the future promise of plant science

    Zachary Lippman

    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA

    Fine-tuning   flowering, plant architecture, and crop productivity - lessons from tomato

    Harry J. Klee

    University of Florida, USA

    An integrated   chemical and genetic approach to improve tomato flavor quality

    Jiankang Zhu

    Jiankang Zhu, Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology (PSC), CAS, China/   CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences (CEMPS), China/ Purdue   University, United States

    Plant epigenetics and molecular   breeding

    Sanwen Huang

    Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural Sciences, China

    Topic to be announced

    Yi Li

    University of Connecticut, USA

    Dissection of auxin action in promoting graft union formation

    Shuhua Yang

    China Agricultural University, China

    Molecular mechanism of plant response to cold stress

    Yunde Zhao

    University of California San Diego, USA

    Marker-assisted plant transformation and genome editing

    July 6-8 Genomics   session

    Dario Cantu

    University of California Davis, USA

    Comparative genomics of wild and cultivated grapes

    Amandine Cornille

    French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE),   France

    Towards deciphering the genomic bases of adaptation in apples

    Yuepeng Han

    Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Genetic basis of fruit quality in peach

    Timo Hytönen

    University of Helsinki, Finland

    Population genomics and gene functional analyses reveal the genetic basis   of climate adaptation in woodland strawberry

    Zhaobo Lang

    Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, China

    Topic to be announced

    Concetta Licciardello

    CREA-Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops of Acireale, Italy

    The genetic control of the anthocyanin pigmentation in leaves, flowers   and fruit tissues along Citrus species

    Zhongjian Liu

     /Wenjie Cai

    Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China

    The star fruit (Averrhoa   carambola) omics provides new   insights into genome evolution, cauliflory, and fruit flavor

    Sean Myles

    Dalhousie University, Canada

    Genomic consequences of apple improvement

    Stefano Pavan

    University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

    Genome-wide characterization of almond diversity/homozygosity defines   structure, kinship, inbreeding and linkage disequilibrium in cultivated   germplasm and reveals genetic associations with nut and seed weight

    Carsten Pedersen

    University of Copenhagen, Danmark

    GWAS using the Danish Apple collection – a resource as germplasm and for   new apple-based products

    Rui Xia

    South China Agricultural University, China

    The genome of lychee reveals independent domestication events in early   and late-maturing cultivars

    Liangsheng Zhang

    Zhejiang University, China

    The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants

    Zhonghua Zhang

    Qingdao Agricultural University, China

    Comparative genomics provide novel insights into the evolution and   genetic basis of agronomic traits in cucurbits

    July 9-10   Development session

    Lailiang Cheng

    Cornell University, USA

    The signaling role of sorbitol in apple flower development and pollen   tube growth

    Yongling Ruan

    The University of Newcastle, Australia

    Zooming in on sugar metabolism and signaling for development and defense

    Shengnan Wang

    China Agricultural University, China

    Chaperonin CCT assemble RNP complex and facilitate mRNA long-distance   trafficking in phloem

    Juyou Wu

    Nanjing Agricultural University, China

    Molecular mechanisms of the pollen tube structural changes in   self-incompatibility response of pear

    Jialong Yao

    Plant & Food Research, New Zealand

    Over-expression of MdBBM1 enhances apple shoot regeneration and alters   plant development

    Dong Zhang

    Northwest A&F University, China

    Cytokinin-responsive MdTCP17 interacts with MdWOX11 to repress   adventitious root primordia formation in apple rootstock

    Xiaolan Zhang

    China Agricultural University, China

    Auxin and fruit shape regulation in cucumber

    July 13-14 Fruit   quality control session

    Eugenio Butelli

    John Innes Centre, UK

    Metabolic engineering for nutritionally enhanced tomatoes

    Michael Considine

    The University of Western Australia, Australia

    Genetic control of dietary flavonoid availability in apple germplasm

    Zhanwu Dai

    Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Fruit quality and environments: modeling from a fruit to the whole plant

    Yuanyuan Li

    Shandong Agricultural University, China

    Forward understanding the molecular mechanism underlying coloration of   apple fruit

    Chuanyou Li

    Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of   Sciences, China

    Why tomato flesh is red but not purple?

    Mario Pezzotti

    University of Verona, Italy

    How the genotype and the environment can direct grape berry ripening

    Jun Wu

    Nanjing Agricultural University, China

    The new gene mining and regulation roles in red skin coloration of pear

    Rui Zhai

    Northwest A&F University, China

    Flavonoid biosynthesis and 4 related MYB transcription factors in pear   fruit

    July 15-16 Abiotic   stress session

    Zhenhai Han

    China Agricultural University, China

    Possible regulation of RNA signal transition between scion and rootstock   of apple under Fe deficient stress

    Zhengguo Li

    Chongqing University, China

    SlGRAS4 mediates a novel regulatory pathway promoting chilling tolerance   in tomato

    Changhai Liu

    Northwest A&F University, China

    Identification and functional analysis of Malus genes involved in   abiotic stress response

    Jihong Liu

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

    MYC2 of Poncirus trifoliata regulates glycine betaine accumulation under cold   conditions

    Pei Xu

    China Jiliang University, China

    A universal pipeline for mobile mRNA detection and insights into   heterografting advantages under chilling stress

    Shuangxi Zhou

    Plant & Food Research, New Zealand

    Crop stress ecophysiology: a trait perspective

    July 17 Biotic   stress session

    Yongping Duan

    U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA

    Dissecting the   Citrus HLB complex

    Mickael Malnoy

    Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy

    Application of genome editing in apple for improving disease resistance   or functional study

    Jianjun Zhao

    Hebei Agricultural University, China

    Identification of candidate genes for important traits based on EMS   mutants in Chinese cabbage

    July 20-21 Breeding   session

    Vincent Bus

    Plant & Food Research, New Zealand

    Genetic mapping of fire blight resistance QTLs in two rootstock families

    David Chagné

    Plant & Food Research, New Zealand

    A new method for fine mapping non-domesticated alleles and marker   development in apple

    Fadi Chen

    Nanjing Agricultural University, China

    Chrysanthemum germplasms innovation and breeding

    Wenwu Guo

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

    Assembly of citrus mitochondrial genomes and molecular mechanism of male   sterility in a somatic cybrid of pummelo

    Fengwang Ma

    Northwest A&F University, China

    Apple breeding for high fruit quality and stress resistance

    Daniel Sargent


    Identification of genes associated with polyphenol biosynthesis in   cultivated strawberry

    Xiaofeng Wang

    Northwest A&F University, China

    Establish tomato male-sterile lines with a marker for hybrid production   by CRISPR/Cas9 system

    Qiang Xu

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

    Genome assisted breeding in Citrus

    July 22 Postharvest   biology session

    Yunjiang Cheng

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

    Fruit postharvest biology and its application in Citrus Industry

    Junping Gao

    China Agricultural University, China

    Senescence physiology and postharvest handling of roses

    Giovanni Battista Tornielli

    University of Verona, Italy

    From ripening to post-ripening: the restless third age of the grape berry

    Aide Wang

    Shenyang Agricultural University, China

    The mechanism of auxin-induced fruit ripening in apple

    July 27-30 Journal   session

    Xiaofeng Cui

    Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Molecular   Plant

    Introduction of Molecular   Plant

    Blake C. Meyers

    Editor-in-Chief of The   Plant Cell

    Introduction of The Plant   Cell

    Shuangxia Jin

    Associate Editor of Plant   Biotechnology Journal

    Introduction of Plant   Biotechnology Journal

    Zong-Ming   (Max) Cheng

    Editor-in-Chief of Horticulture   Research

    Introduction of Horticulture   Research

    Qingmei Guan

    Associate Editor of Journal   of Integrative Agriculture

    Introduction of Journal   of Integrative Agriculture

    Xiaowu Wang

    Editor-in-Chief of Horticultural   Plant Journal

    Introduction of Horticultural   Plant Journal

    Yunde Zhao

    Editor-in-Chief of   aBIOTECH

    Introduction of aBIOTECH

    Seishi Ninomiya

    Editor-in-Chief of Plant   Phenomics

    Introduction of Plant   Phenomics

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